The World Bank: Understanding Risk
Everything Good Studio worked with the World Bank to create the content for the Understanding Risk Forum 2024 in Himeji, Japan. The conference brought together over 1,700 disaster risk management experts and practitioners from 135 countries, a record number of attendees.
The engeineering wizards at Everything Good Studios created a system of 10 wirelessly controlled lanterns brought to the stage by each speaker, which were programmed to illuminate like fireflies. These firefly lanterns triggered on-screen animations which guided the audience through the conference.
I created over 10 minutes of animation–introductions to different presentations, transitions, and long sequences which told the story of Japan's history anticipating and dealing with natural disasters. In order to create this much content with a limited budget and timeline I came up with a workflow which used generative AI to create hundreds of illustrations in Sumi-e ink style, which I then animated manually in After Effects. This saved me the time of having to illustrate these different worlds and enabled us to complete the project on schedule.
Motion Design and Animation: Emmett Dzieza
Design and Fabrication Lead: Rachel Ciavarella
Technical Direction and Engineering: Jack Kalish
World Bank Creative Direction: Maryia Markhvida
Music and Sound Design: Bartolomeo Sailer